Recipe: Wedding Pop cakes

Pop cakes for wedding in Luxembourg Pop cakes or Cake pops are so beautiful! I totally love them as they are like cupcakes but smaller and you get the chance to decorate them everywhere and not only on the top. Pop cakes are also great to decorate important events as they look very nice, so this time I created around 300 pop cakes for the wedding of one of my best friends. Pop cakes for weddings are really standing out, as normally people don't expect them. I will share with you the basic recipe to create this pop cakes, they are all based on vanilla and chocolate cake, the rest changes only depending on the exterior decorative elements. So here is the recipe: Ingredients:
  • 1 vanilla cake box mix
  • 1 chocolate cake box mix
  • 500 gr of brown chocolate to melt
  • 500 gr of white chocolate to melt
  • 500 gr cream cheese
  • Decorative elements
    • Coconut flakes
    • Choco chips
    • Choco flakes
    • Almond powder
    • Etc.
  • Wooden sticks
  • White ribbon
Directions: 1. Follow the instruction written on your cake box mix and back both the vanilla and the chocolate cake. 2. Once the cakes are baked, smash them with your hands until you have small pieces of around 1 cm. Make sure not to mix the vanilla cake with the chocolate cake, keep them in two separate containers 3. Add 250 gr of cream cheese to each smashed cake until the small pieces bind together. 4. Start creating small balls with the mixture with your hands. 5. Melt 10 gr of the chocolate and place a drop on the edge of each wooden stick and stick it into the balls immediately before the drop dries. 6. Leave the balls with the sticks on the fridge for 15 minutes so the sticks don't fall. 7. Now melt the rest of the chocolate and dip your balls deep down the melted chocolate. 8. Add the decorations (choco chips, coconut flakes, etc) immediately to the pop cakes before the melted chocolate dries. 9. Wrap a bow with the white ribbon around the wooden stick of each pop cake and you are finished! Popcakes for wedding Luxembourg Wedding Pop cakes Luxembourg Wedding Pop cakes Wedding Pop cake Wedding Popcakes Pop cakes for wedding Popcakes Luxembourg Pop cakes Luxembourg Pop cakes for wedding in Luxembourg
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