MAC Flamingo Park Inspired Cakes

MAC Flaming Park Campaign Cakes I am in love with the new Flamingo Park campaign of MAC, I love the pink concept of a sweet picnic in the garden. I will do a party inspired on this concept but first I wanted to analyse with you the different cakes used on their campaign.  I think that there are so many ideas to share and to inspire to bake some new cakes, that not only look beautiful and sweet, but they also seem very easy to do, so I watched the campaign video on youtube here and made screen shots of the different cakes presented, below are my favorites: 1. Paper straws covered cake This is such a great idea as you will not have to worry about having a perfect fondant cover on the side but instead cut some paper straws in halves and place them around the cake. This will allow also a much softer and moist cake filling and the only thing that needs to be decorated will be the top of the cake. On this cake you can see that the top decorations are quite easy and simple, as they are only a few blocks of chocolate and some already prepared sugar roses. MAC flamingo park cake
Source: MAC Flamingo Park Video
2. Checkered fondant cake This cake looks very beautiful and uses a very simple fondant technique which doesn't require you to be an expert on fondant modelling. To create this cake you simply need to cut some stripes of fondant and add them to the top of a white fondant layer on a checkered form, as the typical apple pie. Finally as you can see on the picture a ribbon is added on the sides, instead of a fondant ribbon which is much more difficult to do. flamingo photos.001
Source: MAC Flamingo Park Video
3. Baroque frosting cake On this cake you can see a very nice baroque style in one tone of peach. I personally think it looks beautiful and the easy side of it, is that you only need to create one mix of frosting and a apply one layer of it to the whole cake using a scraper; then with the help of a frosting pipping kit you can create those baroque shapes. flamingo photos.002
Source: MAC Flamingo Park Video
4. Pink layered cake The next cake we can see on this campaign is the lovely pink layered cake, this is a very known cake normally done in the rainbow colours, but here it looks even nicer with the different pink palette of colours. I think this is the most difficult cake to create however it looks harder than it really is, more than the complexity it is the time it takes to bake and colour each layer separately. Flamingo pink layered cake
Source: MAC Flamingo Park Video
5. Ribbon decorated cake Finally the other types of cakes you see on this campaign are mostly decorated with pink ribbons and some have even some butterflies. The easy part about decorating like these is that even though those elements are not eatable you will still get a very nice looking cake, and you can easily remove them before serving the cake. MAC Flamingo park cake
Source: MAC Flamingo Park Video
I hope you got also inspired by MAC's new campaign as much as I did and that you can use some of this cake's ideas on your next party.
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