DIY: 1920's Upcycled Centerpieces

DIY UPCYCLED CENTERPIECESYou might have already seen the pictures of my previous post about the 1920's Party Decorations, if not you can see it here. So now I would like to show you how to do the wine bottle upcycled centerpieces on your own. This was a very quick and easy project and I think it goes really well with the 1920's theme. So here are the step by step instructions so you can try at home for your next 1920's party. Materials: -Empty Wine Bottles -Wooden Sticks -Hot Glue Gun -Black and White Feathers -Wire -Gold Spray Pain -Pearl Beads 920's centerpieces materials Instructions: 1. Cut a piece of wire of about 60 cm, if the wire is too thin, then twist two or 3 of them together. Casino Centerpieces materials 2. Take a wooden stick and twist the wire on one of the ends as seen on the picture below. Secure the wire to the stick with a drop of hot glue. Casino Centerpieces tutorial 3. Now take the feathers and start gluing them one by one to the wire, make sure that you don’t leave any empty spaces. Repeat this steps for each giant feather you want to create, I added 4 - 6 giant feathers to each centerpiece. 5. Teke the wine glass bottles, wash them and color them with the gold spray paint. Let them dry for about 10 minutes and then decorate each one with the pearl beads. 7. You are finished now, your 1920's centerpieces should look like these: 1920's centerpieces  
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