DIY: Upcycled Plastic Bottle Cases

DIY PLASTIC BOTTLE CASES Here is a way to up-cycle your plastic bottles into some beautiful pencil or candy cases. This project is very easy and useful to keep things together such as pencils, markers, candies, beads, etc. Here are the instructions so you can do it yourself, I hope you enjoy! Materials: IMG_6780 Directions 1.First measure the diameter of the plastic bottle so you can cut the right size of fabric. IMG_6782 2. Mark the diameter distance measured for the width and leave a length of about 12 cm.   3. Sew the two edges of the fabric together as seen on the picture. IMG_6788 4. Place the ribbon at the bottom of the fabric and tie a knot on the edges. IMG_6789 4. Fold the fabric on top of the ribbon as seen on the picture and sew it so the ribbon stays inside. IMG_6790 5. Separately cut the top part of the plastic bottle carefully with the scissors. Upcycle plastic bottles 6. The plastic bottle is now in two parts, use the bottom part for the case and keep the top part for another project. Upcycle plastic bottles 7. Place the fabric on top of the plastic bottle as seen on the picture below. IMG_6797 8. Paste the fabric to the plastic bottle with the hot glue gun. IMG_6800 9. Now the plastic bottle case should look like this one. IMG_6799 10. Place some markers or candies in your containers. IMG_6802IMG_6809 11. You are done! IMG_6821IMG_6822
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