DIY Straw Christmas Ornaments

DIY STRAW CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTSAs part of the Octans Christmas Decorations project I speak about on the last post: Octans Bar Christmas Decoration I created some Himmeli Ornaments to represent the different stars on the constellation. Himmeli is a word in Finnish that means sky or heaven and this type of ornaments are very minimalistic and simple, used mainly on the Scandinavian countries. Additionally the ornaments are made out of plastic straws which bring an opportunity to upcycle an item that would normally end up in the trash and transform it into something useful and beautiful. So I created a tutorial for you now, where you can follow step by step the instructions to create different geometrical shapes and get your himmeli ornaments ready for Christmas. Here are the instructions, enjoy! Materials: - Straws - Yarn - Scissors - Golden paint Straw Christmas Ornaments materials Directions: 1. If you are using second hand straws, wash them very good and disinfect them. Then remove the edge of the straw that is used to place the mouth and that contains the flexible area of the straw. 2. Cut the straws according to the size desired for the geometrical figures, on my case I used around 10 cm long pieces. Straw Christmas Ornaments 1 3.Once you cut the straws make sure they are all the same size and adjust the cutting if they are not. Straw Christmas Ornaments 2 4. Take a long piece of yarn, around 1 meter and start passing it through the straws, first into 3 pieces so you are able to form a triangle. Straw Christmas Ornaments 3 5. Tie the yarn to secure the triangle. Straw Christmas Ornaments 6. Continue adding 2 pieces of straws to create a second triangle. Straw Christmas Ornaments 5 7. Twist the yarn at the end of the rectangle and add 2 more pieces of straw to create a third triangle. Straw Christmas Ornaments 6 8. Pull up the two triangles on the edges and tie a knot on the yarn to form a pyramid as seen on the picture. Now you have a pyramid shaped ornament. Straw Christmas Ornaments 8 Straw Christmas Ornaments 10 9. To have a diamond shape ornament, repeat steps 1 - 7 and an additional piece of straw. Straw Christmas Ornaments 13 10. Pull the additional piece of staw up as seen on the picture and twist it. Straw Christmas Ornaments 14 11. Add  last piece of straw and tie a knot on the yarn, you have now a diamond shaped ornament. Straw Christmas Ornaments Straw Christmas Ornaments 16 12. To create a six sided prism you can repeat steps 1 - 7 but keep adding triangles until you have 6 of them, then pull the two from the edges up together and tie a knot. Straw Christmas Ornaments 21Straw Christmas Ornaments 22 13. Finally when you have finished all the shapes you want to create, cut the additional  yarn and place the figures in a shape where you can paint them. Straw Christmas Ornaments 26 14. Paint the figures and let them dry and you are finished! You should get something like on the pictures below. Straw Christmas Ornaments 29  
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