I would like to share with you today some tips on how you could contribute to have a more eco-friendly Christmas by the way you wrap your Christmas gifts.
You might think that the easiest and fastest way to wrap a Christmas gift is by buying a roll of wrapping paper and some colorful bows, however there are other ways that are also easy, original and let you recycle some trash instead of producing more trash.
Here are 5 steps to follow for Eco-friendly gift wrapping
1. Reuse or Recycle
The first step to create your own gift wrapping is to find something at home that would normally go to the trash so you can reuse it or recycle it.
Some ideas are:
- Gift wrap from other gifts
- Old Newspapers
- Shopping Bags
- Old Magazines
- Empty Boxes from products
- Pieces of textile
- Empty cans or jars
- Toilet paper rolls
You can take two or more of the materials listed, for example if you find an empty box of pizza, you can then cover it with some sheets of newspaper. If you don't find any boxes then you can wrap the gift directly.
2. Make the wrap paper pretty
The trash doesn't look as pretty as a new wrapping paper roll, however here comes our creativity to make a very beautiful new wrapping paper. You could for example could color the newspaper or magazine with painting or do a custom design with a chosen pattern, for example with the surface of dried leaves, flowers or even potatoes.
3. Decorate
This is the final touch for your gifts, here you can add some ribbons, personalized tags, flowers, leaves, buttons, fabric etc. This is practically the most important part of the wrapping as it will be the focal point. Go for a walk and grab some beautiful leaves or flowers, or check your cabinets for ribbons, buttons or pieces of textile.
I hope you enjoyed it and got some beautiful wrapping for your gifts, feel free to share your pictures
Image credits: Tile: Romanian Mum 1. Orange Live 2. Poppy Talk