Beautiful Halloween Desserts

Halloween Choco Mousse As part of the party decoration we created a Halloween dessert table. Dessert tables are a great way to decorate your parties with eatable cute desserts such as cupcakes, popcakes, candies, small desserts, a cake, etc. If you want to learn more about how to do a a dessert table on your own, you can read my blog post about it here. For these dessert table, we got some very nice desserts from one of our favorite bakeries in Luxembourg, Kathy's Cupcakery, she made for us some beautiful desserts and a very original cake, you can see the pictures of her creations below.

Halloween Chocolate MousseHalloween Chocolate Mousse Halloween Ghosts DessertsHalloween Desserts tableHalloween CakeTreak or Treat CakeHalloween Chocolate Mice Halloween Mice DessertsCupcakes HalloweenHalloween Cupcakes FrostingHalloween Cupcake Mouse Halloween cute cupcakes

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