50 DIY Halloween Costume Ideas

Safari Ecofriendly Costume To continue with our Halloween themed season, I have created a list of my favorite DIY Halloween costumes for all ages, most of these costumes are very simple to do, cheap and eco-friendly, so you will only need to worry about having time to make them. An eco-friendly costume is not only a costume made out of cardboard or plastic bottles, it can be any costume that you created with the purpose of reducing the environment's pollution or waste. For example you could also do a costume with clothes you already have in your closet, or with some other stuff that you can reuse later on. There are infinite ways to have an eco costume, so here I share with you my favorite costumes for both kids and adults. Let me know which one is your favorite or share with us if you also had another idea so we can include it on the list. Enjoy getting inspired!

Ice Cream Cone EcofriendlyCostumeSource: Studio DIYSueprheroSource: ParentingSafari Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Real SimpleDoll Eco Halloween CostumeSource: ParentingTomatoSource: Real SimpleMinni Mouse Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Clarissa MayExplorer Ecofriendly CostumeSource: ParentsFrench Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Ema MagazineSnowball Ecofriendly CostumeSource: ParentingWaldoSource: Andreas ChoiceGenie Ecofriendly CostumeSource: PolyvoreButterfly Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Real SimpleScarecrewSource: Clarissa May

Scientist Ecofriendly CostumeSource: ParentsDetective Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Real SimpleMonster Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Fiskars Hawaiian Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Real SimpleCactus Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Studio DIYRocket Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Real SimpleCardbox Costume ecoSource: Studio DIYScientist Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Real SimpleStarbucks Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Clarissa May

Doctor Ecofriendly CostumeSource: ParentsGypsi Source: Clarissa MayCardbox Halloween Costume Source: CraftgawkerDevilSource: Clarissa MayUnicornSource: ParentingFox Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Emma MagazineBirthday cake Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Studio DIYSkeleton Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Fiskars SUperhero Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Real SimpleChef and FerreroSource: Studio DIYMime Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Family EducationRainbow Ecofriendly CostumeSource: ParentingCrocodile Ecofriedly CostumeSource: Evil Mad ScientistNerdSource: Clarissa May

Artist Ecofriendly CostumeSource: ParentsPirateSource: Parenting Green Halloween CostumeSource: Studio DIYEco Friendly Queen CostumeSource: ParentingAngel Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Real SimpleStrong WomanSource: Clarissa May  Bee Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Real Simple

Skuba Diver Ecofriendly CostumeSource: ParentsEcofriendly Halloween CostumeSource: My Kids AdventuresMailSource: Studio DIY80'sSource: Andreas Choice

Twister Ecofriendly CostumeSource: ParentingHipster Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Emma MagazinePinapple Ecofriendly CostumeSource: Studio DIY

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