Halloween Pop Cakes Inspiration
We are closer and closer to Halloween so its time to get more ideas on what we could incorporate to our Halloween parties or dessert tables. I personally love pop cakes as they are smaller than cupcakes and you can be very creative when decorating them. They are also very easy to bake, specially if you get yourself a pop cakes machine, so you can bake them very fast and focus your time on the decoration.
I have created a list below of my top Halloween pop cakes inspiration, I hope it can give you ideas for your parties.
Source: Kawaii Sweet World
Source: My Crazy Simple Life
Source: These Peas are Hollow
Source: CandiQuick
Source: Craftsmomship
Source: Pop Sugar
Source: ImgKid
Source: Og Vision
Source: Bakarella
Source: The Pink WhiskSource: Cake Journal