A Berry Sweet Party

Berry Sweet Party IdeasTo celebrate the berries season, the nice sunny weather and the "almost" end of the summer, I decided to do berry themed garden party with some friends. Some of the ideas shared on my previous post 10 Easy Things to Do With Berries, like the strawberry lemonade, berry cocktails and berry skewers. Here are the pictures of the party, I hope you enjoy! Candy Bar Berries

Berry Sweet Party Candy Bar


Blueberry and Strawberry Skewers


Table Sets


Strawberry Lemonade   Berry Decoration

Table Decorations with red currents

Red Currants  Red Currents as decorations

Red Current Bird Cage

Bird cages with berries

Raspberry Skewers

Raspberry and Blackberr Skewers

Berry Plants

Natural strawberry plants

Berry Party

Berry Party Set

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