Cute Ways to Use Cupcakes as Decorations

Cupcake PillowsOne more week starts today, weekends go fast and Monday's are difficuilt, this is why I chose to create these series of posts called: "Things I Love Monday", so I get some motivaton and inspiration for the new week that starts. Have you ever felt that there are some things that you see in a store or on Pinterest and you just love? Some stuff that you wish you could buy but you either don't have the money or time, or don't now where to buy them? Or maybe you could buy, but you dont really need, you just like it? Or maybe there are things that are not to sell, for example a beautiful store window or a nice garden. Well happens very often to me, so at least I would be happy to share those beautiful things here with you, so maybe you get some inspiration or add them to your wish list. For this week I chose "Cupcakes Stuff", including many products related to cupcakes and cupcakes itself. I hope you enjoy!

Cupcake Ice Cream SpoonsCupcake Spoons by Maisons du Monde

Cupcake PillowsCupcakes Pillows by Photobucket

Cupcake Mug

Cupcake Mug by Maisons du Monde

Cupcake TimerCupcake Timer by Kitchenwarehouse

Cupcake PuffCupcake Puff by Maisons du Monde

Cupcakes ClockCupcakes Clock by Not on the Street

Cupcake Tea Set Cupcake Tea Set by Maisons du Monde

Cupcalkes CansCupcakes Can Boxes by CASA

Cupcake Wall DecoCupcake Canvas by Maisons du Monde

Cupcake NapkinsCupcake Napkins by Ebay

Cupcakes PillowCupcakes Pillow by Maisons du Monde

Cupcake JarsCupcake Jars by Etsy Shop

Cupcakes PlatesCupcake Plates by Maisons du Monde

Real Baked CupckesCupcakes baked at Cake Box

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