Inspiration Monday: 10 Easy Things to Do With Berries

Red CurrantsAt the moment it is the berries season in Luxembourg, it is time to harvest all those raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, red currents, etc. If you go for a walk to the forest, you will be able to find fresh berries everywhere, I love berries, they look so beautiful, they taste great and there are a lot of creative things you can do with them. Here I am leaving you a list of 10 easy things to do with berries, I hope you enjoy and try them all. 1. Create some ice cubes This is very easy to do and creates nice color to simple water glasses. If your guests want to drink plain water why not add a few berry ice cubes to make it more colorful and tasty. Just add some berries to an ice-cube mold together with water and freeze it until it becomes an ice cube.

Berry Ice CubesSource: Instructables

2. Add them to  your drinks Offer some champagne to your guests and add some berries inside, the glasses will look so colorful and the berries will be floating around because of the sparkles of the champagne while you drink it. Your guests will love the taste of the new fruity champagne.

Berries in ChampagneSource: Style Me Pretty

3. Prepare a berry dessert Take advantage of the berries and mix them with mascarpone cream to create a delicious and colorful dessert. You can place layers of mascarpone cream and berries in glass containers such as Mason Jars or Whine Glasses and decorate the last layer with the smallest berries. You can find the recipie step by step here. Berry Dessert 4. Make your own strawberry mint lemonade You can prepare a strawberry mint lemonade, a very fresh beverage for summer that can be good for kids as well. Just blend some strawberries and lemons, add a bit of fresh mint leaves and sweeten with some honey. Berry Drink 5. Do your own Berry Vinaigrette Transform your salds into a sweet experience by adding some berry vinagrette, this recipie is very easy to do and will give a special touch to your healthy meal. Just combine 1 cup berries of your choice, add a tablespoon of sugar, some salt, pepper, olive oil and 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar.

Strawberry VinaigretteSource: Nourishing Meals

6. Decorate your table Use the nice berries to decorate your table with a unique and ecofriendly solution. I specially like red current as they have a bright red color and last for a long time. You can also add some natural berry plans as centerpieces for your table. Berry Summer Party 7. Create berry cocktails Entretain your guests with original berry cocktails, this option is a natural way to avoid syroups and profit from the seasonal berry season. You can try a berry margarita with a touch of tequila, berry daiquiri with rum or berry vodka. You can check the full recipies on my post here.

Berry cocktailSource: Cookie and Kate 

8. Decorate a cake Create a standard tier cake covered in cream cheese white frosting and instead of decorating with fondant or other complicated stuff, just add a few berries to decorate it. You can slice strawberries and use blueberries to add natural “polka dots”.

Berry cakeSource: The Kitchen Mccabe

9. Offer them as gifts Most of the berries grow in small plans that you can just put in pots and offer them as a gift, creating a very nice eco-friendly gift. You can always add a nice tag using the word "Berry" to replace the word "very" for example: You are "berry" special to me; Thank you "berry" much for coming, or "I love you "berry" much. Just use your creativity and create a very original gift.

Berry giftsSource: Boy ohboy ohboy Crafts

10. Make some berry skewers You could offer these skewers as appetizers for your guests, just get some berries in different colors and sizes and place them in wooden sticks following a color pattern. You can experiment with different patters depending on the colors and sizes of your berries. In the picture below I used the following pattern: 1 Strawberry – 2 Blueberries Strawberry skewers
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