Winter Wonderland Party

Frozen birthday7 For Winter, as Eric's birthday was approaching, I wanted to create a theme that was easy and had something to do with the Snowy winter weather in Luxembourg at that time. So this is why a Blue Frozen Winter Party was done. This is not the typical Disney Frozen princesses party, however I took some ideas of those parties to create a masculine Frozen party. Have you ever done a Winter wonderland theme? Please see some picture of the candy bar and drinks below: Frozen birthday7 Some pastel blue and white meringue desserts: Frozen birthday5 Blue Jello that looked like Ice Cubes: Frozen birthday4 Some silver beads on blue napkins to decorate the tables: Frozen birthday3 Finally some more beads and spheres for the table decorations: Frozen birthday2 Some blue curacao winter frozen cocktails: Frozenbirthday1 This is how i did the decoration on the cups: Frozen birtthday6 Frozen birthday8
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